Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Unit IV Discussion Board Advanced Healthcare Management

Unit IV Discussion Board Advanced Healthcare Management

Q Select one or more of the points below and provide a personal example (does not have to be related to health care) you have seen of a leader who was effective with: motivation, workflow design, or information flow. What was it the leader did to make him or her effective? How will you do the same as a healthcare leader?

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My high school project leader was a very inspiring leader, who was not only an effective motivator but also proficient with creating workflow designs that made work interesting and easier to complete. He divided work among the three of us, created a flowchart of how the project was to be completed and who would be responsible for which parts. While most of the things were conventional and like any team projects, what really made a difference was the ways in which he was connecting with all of us, constantly updating us, helping us, and ensuring that we will enjoy the work rather than just finish it.